Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Salem witch Trials

A trial on what to do with the accused witches.

What I learned about the Salem Witch trials is it all started when the local priest's daughter fell ill to a indescribable hysteria. The first three women to be accused of performing witchery were Sara Osborn, Sara Good, and Rev Paris African slave Tituba.When each of the girls were individually interrogated, Sara Osborn and Sara Good plead innocent, Tituba told the officials she knew of the voodoo in which they were talking about. The punishment was usually to be hanged, yet one man who refused to testify was crushed by a huge stone. In the end people with higher authority realized that the witch trials were just becoming a disgrace and a mockery, and the people seemed to finally come to their senses.

Image source: http://library.thinkquest.org/J002399/salemwitch/Image2.jpg
Infomation source: http://images.google.com

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